Correcting Peripheral Vision : What Is Eyeq Brain Enhancement Speed Reading And Reading Improvement Or Vision Therapy - When asked, "what is the eyeQ program?" some people respond, "brain enhancement", others "reading improvement", and some will even say "vision therapy or eye training". The answers are: yes, yes, and yes! The eyeQ program was developed in Japan over the past 30 years by Dr. Akihiro Kawamura. Through extensive research and testing, he found that we can significantly increase our brains learning and processing ability through a series of high-speed imaging exercises which utilize both graphics and text. Dr. Kawamura also found that our brains can be stimulated and improved by using techniques that push us out of our comfort zone. The eye training in each session strengthens the eyes and increases peripheral vision, allowing us to take in more m ... [Read More - Correcting Peripheral Vision]
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